From our observations, solar pool heating systems generally range in price from $5,000 to $15,000. The reason for this huge disparity in price is due strictly to the size of your pool, the number of panels you use to heat it, and the complexity of the installation. Most commonly, systems are in the $6,000 to $11,000 range. To find out more on how these systems are sized and work, go to our FAQ page for pool heating.
Our prices are higher than some and lower than others. However, what we feel we do better than all is our hands-on approach to each and every aspect to each and every install. Even before a job is started, we bring to all potential projects personal and courteous customer service. This is something we provide all along. We pick up our phones. If we are going to be late or if there is some deviation from expectations, we are on the phone discussing it. We also like to think of our installations as pieces of art, masterfully installed. We care about the quality of the components used and the eye for detail installations should have.
Site Specifications
There are a couple of site specific technical specifications concerning your potential solar site which you need to be aware of. One of the first things you want to think about when considering solar is how good of a solar site you have. Solar pool heating systems need a very large and rectangular surface to be mounted on. How large is large? Ideally, we would have between 75% and 125% of the pool surface area in solar pool heating panels. That is LARGE! The best roof to mount solar pool heating system on is South facing. The second best is West with an East facing roof coming in third. We do not install solar pool heating systems on North facing roofs. Finally, the sun needs to be able to shine on the solar pool heating panels unobstructed from 10 am to 4pm from May-September.
Economic Reasons to GO Solar
Unlike any other kind of heating system you may be thinking about using to heat your pool, Solar Pool Heating is the only system that will do it for FREE. Not only will it do it for FREE, but it will heat your pool to 80+ degrees from the first sign of sun in May or June to the last sign of sun at the end of September. It the middle of the summer you will be able to heat your pool to temperatures you never dreamed possible or would want to pay for. People will no longer hesitate to jump into your pool or rush, blue lipped, out of it. All of this increase warmth will not cost you a dime. It will be FREE!
Solar Pool Heating systems are completely maintenance free and have a lifespan of 40 years. A gas or electric heater may be a bit less expensive up front, but the ongoing costs of heating your pool plus the service on these units makes going solar a no brainer.